Reliability Equipment

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The Reliability Lab (ENRC 4312 ) houses environmental test equipment and thermal shock tooling for all electronic assembly needs. Tom Cannon would be the contact for details, training and access to the tools in this facility.

Delta Design 9023 Environmental Test Chamber


The Delta Design 9000 series temperature chamber offers a temperature range from -184°C to 315°C. The tool is equipped with a temperature controller that allows a program to be repeated up to 9,999 times. Each program step consists of a temperaure, time, and rate of change parameters. Soak time can be up to 100 hours. Built-in controller external interfaces provided are IEEE-488 and RS232.

Cost: $2/hour (academic)

Specifications Units
Temperature range -184°C to 315°C
Test volume 10.5 Liters
Heat-up rate 24°C/min
Cool-down rate 31°C/min
Internal dimensions 200mm x 254mm x 200mm

Delta Design 9059 Environmental Test Chamber


The Delta Design 9000 series temperature chamber offers a temperature range from -184°C to 315°C. The tool is equipped with a temperature controller that allows a program to be repeated up to 9,999 times. Each program step consists of a temperaure, time, and rate of change parameters. Soak time can be up to 100 hours. Built-in controller external interfaces provided are IEEE-488 and RS232.

Cost: $2/hour (academic)

Specifications Units
Temperature range -184°C to 315°C
Test volume 52.4 Liters
Heat-up rate 10°C/min
Cool-down rate 22°C/min
Internal dimensions 279mm x 495.3mm x 381mm

Despatch 16000 Series Oven


The Despatch 16000 Series  temperature chamber offers a temperature range from -55°C to 150°C for up to 1,000 cycles.

Cost: $2/hour (academic)

Specifications Units
Temperature range -60°C to 150°C
Heat-up rate 10°C/min
Cool-down rate 22°C/min
Interior dimensions 508mm x 546mm x 628mm

Hirayam PC-305S Pressure Cooker


The Hirayama PC-305S is an easy to operate pressure cooker designed to evaluate moisture resistance (humidity tests) for plastic materials, electronic parts, and coated products. The humidity will be fixed at 100%. A pre-heat function is available to prevent dew formation.

Cost: $1.36/hour (academic)

Specifications Units
Temperature range 100°C to 158°C
Pressure range 0.019 to 0.49 Mpa
Internal dimensions 340mm diameter x 220mm

Tabai liquid bath type thermal shock chamber TSB-1L


The ESPEC (formerly Tabai) liquid-to-liquid type thermal shock chamber is able to impose a higher thermal stress on speciments than air-to-air type testing. The system is configured with two separate tanks each with an inert solution. The extreme testing has one tank set to around -65°C while the other is at 165°C. The specimens are placed in a basket and lowered in the cold tank for approximately 10 minutes then quickly transferred (within 10 seconds) to the hot tank. The typical number of cycles run to characterize lifetime is 1000.

Cost: $2.75/hour (academic)

Specifications Units
System Two-liquid bath with basket transfer
Basket capacity 1 kg
Transfer time 1 to 10 sec.
Heat up rate RT to 150°C in 90 min.
Cycle-setting range 1 to 9999 cycles
Temperature range -65°C to 150°C
Cool down rate RT to -65°C in 125 min.
Time-setting range 1 sec to 99 min. 59 sec.