Ryan Tian
Associate Professor, Inorganic Chemistry
Hierarchical and ordered nanostructures for catalytic, sensing, and biomaterial applications.
Research group website:
Selected Recent Publications:
(1). Complex and oriented ZnO nanostructures, Z. R. Tian, J. A. Voigt, J. Liu, B. Mckenzie, M. J. Mcdermott, M. A. Rodriguez,H. Konishi, H. Xu, Nature Mater. 2003, 2, 821
(2). Manganese oxide mesoporous structures: Mixed-valent semiconducting catalysts, Z. R. Tian, W. Tong, J. Y. Wang, N. G.Duan, V. V. Krishnan, S. L. Suib, Science 1997; 276 (5314), 926
(3). Hierarchical and self-similar growth of self-assembled crystals, Z. R. Tian, J. Liu, J. A. Voigt, B. Mckenzie, H. Xu, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2003, 42 (4), 413 (Feature Article)
(4). Large oriented arrays and continuous films of TiO2-based nanotubes, Z. R. Tian, J. A. Voigt, J. Liu, B. Mckenzie, H. Xu J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 12384
(5). Biomimetic arrays of oriented helical ZnO nanorods and columns, Z. R. Tian, J. A. Voigt, J. Liu, B. Mckenzie, M. J. Mcdermott, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 12954
(6). Dendritic growth of cubically ordered nanoporous metariels through self-assembly, Z. R. Tian, J. Liu, J. A. Voigt, H. Xu, M. J. Mcdermott, Nano Lett. 2003, 3(1), 89
(7). Shape-selective growth, patterning, and alignment of cubic nanostructured crystals via self-assembly, Z. R. Tian, J. Liu, H. Xu, J. A. Voigt, B. Mckenzie, C. M. Matzke, Nano Lett. 2003, 3(2), 179
(8). Teplateless assembly of molecularly aligned conductive polymer nanowires: A new approach for oriented nanostructures, J. Liu, Y. Lin, L. Liang, J. A. Voigt, D. L. Huber, Z. R. Tian, E. Coker, B. B. Mckenzie, M. J. Mcdermott, Chem. Eur. J. 2003, 9(3), 604 (Invited Article)

Ryan Tian
Professor, Director of the High Density Electronics Center, Department of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. University of Connecticut